Name: Vesper
Age: ageless adult
Gender agender
Pronouns: they/them
Species: dainty; angel + demon crossbreed
Orientation demi + bisexual
Vesper is often off-putting to others due to them being incredibly sullen and blunt. They rarely smile, and have intense anxiety that causes them to become hostile quickly in most interactions. They don't trust easily if at all, and are for the most part a loner. However, they genuinely appreciate patience and are loyal and protective towards people they consider friends. They value honesty, and will only ever lie if in danger, otherwise stating its honest thoughts and feelings in a very straightforward manner. They fear being perceived as weak and thus will put up a very hostile and aggressive front, when in reality they're very lonely and wish they had it in them to be more kind to people on the daily.Biography
Vesper was the child of an angelic dainty and a demon, resulting in their strange split appearance and dooming them to never truly belong in either world. They were very often bullied as a child, and it didn't help that their father was never home and their mother was distant, always preoccupied with home duties.With no reassurance or comfort in life, Vesper became a very aggressive person in order to prevent themselves from being hurt. They refused to let people in and as a teenager got into quite a few fights, refusing to back down for anyone who tried to bully them. They often got in trouble with their mother for this, leading them to resent her even more and emotionally shut themselves off from her.
Vesper left home as soon as they turned 18, no longer wanting to maintain contact with their parents or with their hometown. They moved as far away as they possibly could, settling in a city where they worked multiple jobs to keep busy. They realized at this point in their life that they really were alone, with no family and no one to call a friend. They tried their best to keep up a neutral face at their jobs, but were ultimately very stressed and lost their temper easily in day to day.
Eventually, Vesper would have the money to go to therapy, and slowly staryed learning how to overcome their trauma induced behaviors. They still struggle with being blunt and standoffish, but they're slowly trying their best to rebuild their life.
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